The service will be temporarily suspended during the following periods due to maintenance.
All day Monday, 12 August
All day Friday, 23 August
The office will be closed at the following period due to the University's summer holidays.
Saturday, 10 August - Sunday, 18 August

What is NINJAL-LWP for TWC?

NINJAL-LWP for TWC (NLT) is a tool for searching the Tsukuba Web Corpus (TWC), a corpus of approximately 1.1 billion words collected from Japanese-language websites. The search function is based on the use of NINJAL-LWP (NINJAL-LagoWordProfiler), a corpus search system developed jointly by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and Lago Institute of Language. Among tools that utilize the same system is NINJAL-LWP for the BCCWJ (NLB), a tool for searching the 100-million-word Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ), which was developed by NINJAL.

This tool uses a method known as lexical profiling to comprehensively indicate the co-occurrence relations and grammatical behavior of nouns, verbs, and other content words.